Daniel Casas Valle
urban researcher at MDT / CEAU / FAUP
Relation to Amsterdam Academy of Architecture
- Alumni
- Urbanism
Porto Area, Portugal
Daniel works as an urban designer, planner and researcher at several spatial and urban tasks, this from the level of a street to regional planning. He is involved in urban design projects and social studies.
# PhD research – Streets & Urbanisation - cum laude
# Sport in the City - www.sportinthecity.net - sport in urban areas, toolbox: spatial, programs & organisation - Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Porto, Valencia
# Small Urbanism - about small scale urban developments in Europe (Malmö, Berlin, Birmingham, Porto)
# Summer School Porto 2016 / FAUP - 8 European universities
# 3 lines for Santa Maria da Feira - urban/architecture competition (first prize; with Craft/Tiago Coelho)
# Marineterrein Amsterdam - adaptable development strategy/active space (sport-move-play)
# Toolbox Gezondheid en Ruimte - Platfrom 31
# CITY.making - web platform for temporary use
# ARCO / NW Portugal
# Marinhas, urban plan central area village Marinhas, Esposende municipality - competition (first prize; with Craft/Tiago Coelho)
# Sport Zuidas - study about sport on the Zuid-axis area in Amsterdam
# Sport park Genk, competition (selected for last round; with Artgineering)
# The Active City - re-design the (existing) city; about moving, physical activity, health, sport, playing
# Tussendijks, urban vision for the ´Drechtsteden´, competition (first round)
# Willemspoort, urban plan (Cie.) + competition (first prize)
# Leyenburg, urban masterplan (Cie.)
# NDSM, urban masterplan (Cie.)
# A12, long term planning (Must urbanism)
# Lakerlopen, urban plan (Must urbanism)
# Network city Zwolle-Kampen, regional planning & cartography (Must urbanism)
# Western Garden City Amsterdam, various projects (urban department Amsterdam, municipality)
# Central station area, Utrecht Centrum project (Movares)
# Outdoor space for children (Speelruimte)
Daniel Casas Valle
Urban Dynamics
design | planning | research | reflection
daniel @ urban dynamics . info
Current work
Year of graduation
- 2002
Honor and Awards
- Archiprix
Year of entry
- 1997
Priory education
- Hogeschool Utrecht
Country of birth
- Netherlands
Public profile